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#WS16 Photograph of Bernard “Monty” Montgomery, 1906 Football Cup
Original period photo of Bernard “Monty” Montgomery of Alamein. The photo shows a 19 year old Montgomery playing for the Wainwrights and winners of the 1906 Football Cup. Given the age, the cardboard must be handled with care, at some point one corner has broken off. Framing is recommended for display. Unique item from one of the most famous wartime Generals. $400


#CD844 Canadian Red Cross Postcard
Original WWII Canadian Red Cross Society postcard “They never fail you”. Very appealing with great colours. $20
Small Arms Training Pamphlets
Pamphlet Volume I, No. 1. Weapon Training $8
Pamphlet Volume I, No. 2. Application of Fire $8
Pamphlet Volume I, No. 6
. Anti-Aircraft $8
Pamphlet Volume I, No. 9. Mortar (3-inch). $12
Pamphlet Volume I, No. 11. Pistol (.38-inch) $12

Pamphlet Volume I, No. 13. Grenade $12
Pamphlet Volume I, No. 18. Range Courses (War)
Pamphlet Volume I, No. 21. Thompson Sub-Machine Gun $40


Military Training Pamphlets
Military Training Pamphlet No. 2 The Offensive, June 1943 edition $10
Military Training Pamphlet No. 4 Withdrawal, June 1943 edition $10
Military Training Pamphlet No. 11 Drill for Units Equipped with A.F.V.'s $10
Military Training Pamphlet No. 12 Notes on Org, Trg, and Employment of a Mechanized Divisional Cavalry Regiment $10
Military Training Pamphlet No. 13 Map Using $10
Military Training Pamphlet No. 16 Notes on the Organizational and Tactical Handling of Machine Guns $10
Military Training Pamphlet No. 18 Foot Guards and Infantry of The Line $10
Military Training Pamphlet No. 31 Organization and Tactical Handling of Medium Machine Guns $10
Military Training Pamphlet No. 33 Training in Fieldcraft and Elementary Tactics $10
Military Training Pamphlet No. 37 The Training of an Infantry Battalion $10
Military Training Pamphlet No. 39, Part I. The Carrier Platoon $10
Military Training Pamphlet No. 39, Part II. The Carrier Platoon $10
Military Training Pamphlet No. 40 Mines and Booby Traps (Rare) $35
Military Training Pamphlet No. 41 The Armoured Regiment $10
Military Training Pamphlet No. 43 Construction of Gun Emplacements $10
Military Training Pamphlet No. 45 Bomb Reconnaissance $10
Military Training Pamphlet No. 46, Part I. Camouflage General Principles $10
Military Training Pamphlet No. 46, Part II. Camouflage Field Defences $10
Military Training Pamphlet No. 46, Part III. Camouflage Huts, Camps, and Installations $10
Military Training Pamphlet No. 46, Part IV. Camouflage Vehicles, Wheeled and Tracked $10
Military Training Pamphlet No. 46, Part IV. A. Camouflage, Painting of Mechanical Transport $15
Military Training Pamphlet No. 46, Part VI. Camouflage Notes on Screens $10
Military Training Pamphlet No. 47 Movement by Road $10
Military Training Pamphlet No. 50 Airborne Troops Part 1. Defence Against Airborne Troops, 1941 edition $10
The Regimental Officer's Handbook of the German Army $25


Military Vehicles
Manual of DRIVING and MAINTENANCE for Mechanical Vehicles (Tracked) 1939. $25
Target No. 6 "Disappearing Man"  $10 / each
Target No. 9 "Small 200/30 yds." $10 / each


#CD267 Canadian Army Match Book Covers
Original WWII Canadian Army match book covers with cool graphics. These would display well in a case with Canadian insignia or other small items. No contents. Nice small display item. $20
#CD047 Map of England Midlands(S). Sheet 8, Royal Air Force Edition
Original WWII map of England Midlands(S). Sheet 8. Royal Air Force Edition. $25


'Operation Baytown' Original Invasion Map of Reggio Di Calabria, Italy
Super rare original 'Secret' invasion map of Reggio Di Calabria, Italy.  Used in the 'Operation Baytown' amphibious landing as part of the Italian campaign where many Canadian units earned the 'Landing at Reggio' battle honour with the 8th Army.  This may very well be the only surviving map from the landing as I currently don't know of any others, and is a really important part of Canadian military history. The map was published by the Geographical Section of the War Office in 1943 with the defence overprint dated 24 August 1943.  This map is combat carried and shows the expected wear and age. This is an important museum worthy map. *Sold*
Map of Pontecorvo, Italy 'Operation Chesterfield' Breaking The Hitler Line
Rare original SECRET combat map of Portecorvo, Italy, with defence overprint showing defences along The Hitler Line.  It is dated May 1944 for use in Operation Chesterfield, when the 1st Canadian Division would break through on The Hitler Line on the road to Rome.  This is a rare map with great defence overprint of deadly obstacles that the Canadian's would need to break through.  This is a true combat map for actual operations and not a tourist map or old city map. *Sold*
"KAPUT" The Maple Leaf
Original WWII Canadian issue of KAPUT published by The Maple Leaf for Canadian Forces in Action. Famous issue marking the end of the War in Europe. Also featuring a full page cartoon of Canadian soldiers celebrating with liberated Lowenbrau beer and other war booty amongst the ruins of defeated Germany. Scarce. *Sold*


"GET TOUGH!" How to Win in Hand-to-Hand Fighting
Original 1942 copy of "GET TOUGH!" How to win in hand-to-hand fighting by then Captain W. E. Fairbairn. This is an early wartime edition of the publication as Captain Fairbairn was later promoted to Major and the later additions were printed to reflect his promotion. Overall, this is an excellent light read copy still in overall sound and readable condition without any damage. Desirable publication, Captain Fairbairn was also involved with developing the famous Fairbairn-Sykes fighting knife also intended for hand-to-hand combat. *Sold*
E.M.E. Manual for the Canadian Inglis Hi-Power Pistol
Rare original E.M.E. instruction manual for the Canadian Inglis hi-power. Many photos and diagrams in Clive Law's book "Inglis Diamond" are from this manual, and you can expand your reference by owning these documents. There are 25 pages and all but the last 4 are double side, approx. 50 pages of information and photos. These E.M.E. instructions are even rarer than the wartime Inglis pamphlet. *Sold*


Map of ARNHEM 'Operation Anger' Liberating The Netherlands
Rare original combat map of Arnhem (West) used for the Canadian First Army's liberation of the city in 1945 as part of 'Operation Anger' to liberate The Netherlands. Second edition, this map was printed on the reverse of an obsolete map of Scotland with 'CANCELLED' across the obsolete printing.  The War Department was facing paper shortages during this period so they were re-using old maps and captured maps to get the latest printings to soldiers at the front as quickly as possible. This is a true combat map used for actual operations and not a tourist map or old city map. *Sold*


Map NIJMEGEN Emergency Printing 'Operation Anger' The Netherlands
Rare original map of Nijmegen (West) emergency printing for the Canadian First Army's liberation of the city in 1945 as part of 'Operation Anger' to liberate The Netherlands. This map was printed on the reverse of an obsolete map of Scotland with 'CANCELLED' across the obsolete printing.  The War Department was facing paper shortages during this period so they were re-using old maps and captured maps to get the latest printings to soldiers at the front as quickly as possible. This is a true combat map used for actual operations and not a tourist map or old city map. *Sold*


Map of DELFZIJL 'Operation Canada' The Battle for Delfzijl Pocket
Rare original map of DELFZIJL first emergency edition for 'Operation Canada' also known as the Battle of Delfzijl Pocket to liberate this region of The Netherlands. This was the final battle of WWII that the 5th Canadian Armoured Division would participate in. The War Department was facing paper shortages during this period so they were re-using old maps and captured maps to get the latest printings to soldiers at the front as quickly as possible. This map was printed on a captured German map of Sonderausgabe! This is a true emergency combat map for use on actual operations and not a tourist map or old city map. Not only is this map for a notable operation, this map has a serious cool factor being printed on the reverse of a captured German map so it was actually used during WWII by both sides. *Sold*
"LICK THEM over there! COME ON CANADA!" Cardboard Standing Poster
Original WWII "Lick them over there! Come on Canada!" iconic wartime standing poster made of cardboard measuring 30cm x 46cm with folding stand on the back that were typically set up and displayed in places such as banks to remind clients of the war effort. *Sold*
The Scheldt Original 'Bergen Op Zoom' Map 
Rare original map used by Canadian soldiers who cleared the German occupiers out of Bergen Op Zoom during the famous Battle of The Scheldt. It was printed by 3RCE in September 1944 in time for issue and use in the upcoming battle. The map is in excellent condition, lightly worn from actual use. *Sold*
Map 'S Hertogenbosch with NIJMEGEN 1943 'Operation Market Garden'
Original WWII map of 'S Hertogenbosch to include NIJMEGEN.  Printed in time for during 'Operation Market Garden' and possibly later used for 'Operation Anger' to liberate The Netherlands.  No printing on the reverse. This is a true combat map used for actual operations and not a tourist map or old city map. *Sold*
Pamphlet for Canadian Soldiers Entering Germany
Original WWII pamphlet 'GERMANY' for Canadian soldiers entering Germany during the invasion. The manual discusses how to treat German's and what the soldiers could expect. This pamphlet is hard to find and very interesting. *Sold*


Silk Escape Map of France
Silk escape map of France for soldiers and shot down aircrew trying to return home.  The map shows part of the English coast, but most of England is removed in order to deny enemy intelligence should it fall into the wrong hands. This waterproof map would be kept in a pocket in case it was required for an emergency journey. Excellent condition. *Sold*


Stowage Diagram for CARRIER, UNIVERSAL
Original WWII poster size stowage diagram for the Universal Carrier.  Printed on heavy canvas, this would show soldiers where every piece of equipment would go inside of the vehicle. *Sold*
Map of Arnhem / Nijmegen 40 West
Original WWII map of Arnhem / Nijmegen 40 West, a famous battlefield location. This map would have been used during the Battle of Arnhem, and later in the liberation of the Netherlands. In the bottom left there is printed "10/FEB45/15.M.R.S/738/1017" which we think suggests this map was last issued or printed for operations in the final Canadian liberation of the Netherlands. Scarce and important map. *Sold*
German Weapons Illustrated
Original WWII Canadian pamphlet “German Weapons Illustrated”. This rare publication was intended for use by formation and unit intelligence officers. Includes many interesting diagrams and photographs of captured equipment. *Sold*
1st Canadian Infantry Brigade Sicilian Campaign Sports Guide
Original WWII 1st Canadian Infantry Brigade Sicilian campaign sports guide. Interesting insight into the sports activities of the brigade during the campaign with nice graphics on the cover. *Sold*
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