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#CD873 Small Union Jack Patriotic Flag
Original WWII era Union Jack patriotic flag. British made. Measures 7 x 12” (Inches). Good to compliment a display. $20
#CD700 First Field Dressing with Strap
Original WWII British / Commonwealth First Field Dressing with period added strap. The strap is possibly for hanging the dressing on a shoulder strap, or perhaps more likely for easy removing from a medic bag in an emergency. The base dressing is manufactured by Arthur Berton of London in 1943. Interesting variation. $40
#CD718 Emergency Ration
Original WWII emergency ration tin. These emergency rations were issued to a wide variety of troops including air crew and paratroopers prior to departing on operations. This empty tin is in nice condition with strong original finish.  $45
#CD821 Shell Dressing, 1940
Original WWII British / Commonwealth War Office Army Medical Department Shell Dressing. 1940 dated example. This is the correct type for combat helmets and frontline medical displays, they are becoming increasingly difficult to find. $40
#CD688 Shell Dressing, 1942
Original WWII British / Commonwealth War Office Army Medical Department Shell Dressing. 1942 dated example. This is the correct type for combat helmets and frontline medical displays, they are becoming increasingly difficult to find. $40
#CD637 Brass Button Polisher
Original WWII Canadian brass button polisher. This would prevent the brass / silver cleaning agent from going all over the wool uniform, every soldier had one. Nice example maker marked "C.C.B." in excellent condition. $5


#CD843 Canadian P37 Canteen Replacement Cork
Original WWII Canadian P37 canteen replacement cork. Often collectors will encountered a nice P37 canteen with missing, rotten, or otherwise buggered cork cap, and this will solve that problem. Unissued condition. $20


#BS68 Emergency Ration
Original WWII emergency ration tin. These emergency rations were issued to a wide variety of troops including paratroopers prior to departing on operations. This empty tin is in nice condition with only some minor dents, most of the finish is gone from the exterior and it has a nice uncleaned patina. Cool ration item. $95
#CD389 RAF Money Belt
Original WWII Royal Air Force (RAF) or Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) money belt carried by aviators for a variety of roles including escape and evasion. Nice example, named to Canadian aviator with nice "RAF 1940" markings, excellent condition without damage and just lightly period used. Cool accessory. $50 
#CD392 Pair of Boot Brushes
Original WWII pair of boot brushes, the brushes were likely stuck together since the war so we left them undisturbed, one is the popular "Briton" brush and the other has a makers mark and service number that is too faint too read. Nice pair of boot brushes. $20
#CD382 Antwerpen Postcards
Original WWII era postcards from Antwerpen taken home by a Canadian soldier as a souvenir, or perhaps intended for later use. Complete with all 10 postcards. $20
#CD381 Metropolitan Map of Yorkshire, England
Original WWII era metropolitan fold out map of Yorkshire, England. Used by Canadian soldiers while on leave. $20
#CD373 Postcards from Aalst, Belgium
Original WWII era set of postcards from Aalst, Belgium. Purchased by a Canadian solider while on leave as a souvenir. $20
#BS27 Canadian Tin Can Ration 
Very scarcer original WWII Canadian tin can ration complete with contents and never opened. C broad arrow on top and bottom of can. The vacuum packed contents of this tin can ration are unknown. We do not suggest opening or attempting to eat this long expired ration. $225
Original WWII Anti-Dimming Mk VI. Plane red example. Good condition, contents still intact. $20 
#BS51 16 oz. Foot Powder
Original WWII 16 oz. foot powder manufactured by BOOTS PURE DRUG CO. LTD. Packed 3/40. Unopened with contents still inside. Likely this 16 oz. size was kept in stores for re-filling the soldiers small steel foot powder container. $30


#CD786 Wyeth Canada "V-Packette" Prophylactic Unit
Original WWII Canadian "V-Packette" prophylactic unit. These V-Packette prophylactic units were issued containing special ointments, soaps, and a series of small bags with detailed instructions to rid of the soldier of an infection after a romantic rendezvous. The small box contains all the original contents and has never been opened. The seller reports several of these were recently found in the wall of an old building in Montreal. These are really hard to find, we were able to get six of them. *Sold Out*


Coffee Mug
Original WWII brown enamel coffee much, either Canadian or British made. Nice accessory, not commonly available. *Sold*
Major Clay, Chaplain's Wallet
Original WWII Canadian Chaplain’s wallet. This wallet is embossed to "WM. A. L. CLAY CHAPLAIN MAJ".  Major Clay would have carried this wallet while sharing the hardships and perils of the soldiers he was there to advise. Chaplain’s were attached to all the divisions and battalions, and these men often saw combat themselves caring for and evacuating the wounded under fire. Given the small size of the branch, any original Chaplain items are particularly hard to find and very desirable.  United Carr snaps and tempered steel hooks, possibly for dog tags of the deceased (?). This is a nice wallet that has ‘been there’ and survived in good honest used condition with nice personalization. *Sold*
Canadian Identification Discs for a Jewish Soldier
Original WWII Canadian identification discs for a Jewish (HEB - Hebrew) soldier, Cpl Gazen. Cpl Gazen's regimental number B26251 represents enlistment with No.1 Workshop & Park Company, RCE. Semitic identification discs with "HEB" embossed were quickly dropped for fear of what would happen if captured by the Germans, making them hard to find. We have not done any further research on this item. Great original set. *Sold*


1945 Pocket Calendar for a QOR Rifleman
Original WWII 1945 pocket calendar with provenance to a Rifleman of The Queen's Own Rifle of Canada. *Sold*
Khaki Web Cleaner, NONSUCH
Original WWII Canadian / Commonwealth Khaki web cleaner manufactured by "NONSUCH". Still has original contents inside. Nice accessory. *Sold*
Ticket Home at War's End - Sergeant Vic Ayling
Original WWII ticket to board the troop ship home issued to Sergeant Vic Ayling including a newspaper clipping discussing the horrors of desert warfare and some of his thoughts about issues facing American soldiers in Desert Storm.  Some veterans didn't keep much, and it's quite possible after experiencing the war first hand the only thing Vic wanted to keep was his ticket home. *Sold*
Canadian “Housewife” Sewing Kit
Original WWII Canadian “Housewife” sewing kit for soldiers. Contains a variety of needles, buttons, cap badges, and other interesting surprises. *Sold*


No.5 Anti-Gas Ointment Tin
Original WWII Canadian / British No.5 anti-gas ointment tin. Maker marked and dated 1942. This is a perfect tin to complete or compliment any period gas mask set, these would go in the side pouch of the MKII carrier. Great example. *Sold*
RCAMC Triangular Bandages
Original WWII Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps (RCAMC) triangular bandages with safety pins in each. Manufactured by Texpack Limited of Canada. Unopened. *Sold*
RCAMC Triangular Bandages
Original WWII Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps (R.C.A.M.C.) triangular bandages with safety pins. Manufactured by Texpack Limited of Canada. Unopened. *Sold*
#CD725 Canadian Army MKIII Field Dressing, 1944
Original WWII Canadian Army MKIII field dressing. Standard issue example manufactured by Bauer & Black, in 1944, with nice C broad arrow stamp. Excellent condition. Perfect to complete a helmet or medical display. *Sold*
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