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12 X 60 Power Range Optics (Optische Zielgerät)
Original WWII German 12 x 60 power range optics (Optische Zielgerät). Specialized personnel such as Artillery observers, Reconnaissance personnel, Searchlight personnel, and various other trades required stronger optics than the standard issue 6 x 30 power binoculars, and an assortment of larger power binoculars were issued to these specialized personnel on a limited basis including these 12 x 60 power range optics.
Notek Panzer Blackout Headlight
Original WWII German Notek panzer blackout headlight system complete in the original factory box. Includes all the small parts for mounting, all in excellent unused condition. Features original “Dunkelgelb” dark yellow / ordnance tan paint on the exterior, with parts of the interior also factory painted in the classic German grey. Background; Blackout lights are head and tail lamps that are equipped with special lenses that are designed to cast a diffused horizontal beam of light for the driver of the vehicle to navigate with, and drivers of other vehicles to spot the vehicle with. In the military, they are intended for use when driving a convoy at night when it is necessary for the vehicles to maintain concealment by limiting their ability to be seen by the enemy. 


K98k Rifle Rear Sight Protector
Original WWII German K98k rifle rear sight protector made of leather with steel fittings. Maker marked "jmb" "1942" embossed into the leather with additional factory "Mod.98" ink stamp.
K98k Action Cover 
Original WWII German K98k rifle action cover in Heer green. Constructed of heavy duty canvas and leather with horse hair pad and aluminum closure studs with leather rings. Maker marked "hck" "41" embossed into the leather with waffenamt below. 
G/K43 ZF4 Sniper Scope 
Original WWII German G/K43 ZF4 sniper scope and mount manufactured by ddx (Walther). Features early blued square end mount with the early style locking lever. Excellent condition without flaw in just very lightly used condition. Scope serial number "67101" and lightly engraved on the cast mount serial number "34066". The mount also features the correct eagle over 359 inspection stamp (Walther). 


G/K43 ZF4 Sniper Scope Amber Lens
Original WWII German G/K43 ZF4 sniper scope amber lens. This little lens slides inside the rubber eye cup to give an amber tint for more effective viewing in certain lighting conditions such as low light.
G/K43 ZF4 Sniper Scope Eye Cup
Original WWII German G/K43 sniper scope rubber eye cup. 
G/K43 ZF4 Sniper Scope Plug Type Lens Cover
Original WWII German G/K43 ZF4 sniper scope plug type lens cover. Excellent condition without flaw in just very lightly used condition. Straps made of fine leather with leather end cap and wooden plug with correct snaps, screws, and other small fittings.


K98k or G/K43 Late War Rifle Sling
Original WWII German K98k or G/K43 rifle sling. Marked "SKL" and dated 1945. MINT unused example taken from the factory with keeper never removed.


Pre-War Wehrmacht Bread Bag
Original WWII German Wehrmacht issue bread bag use by the Heer. Pre-war quality with aluminum fittings and leather reinforced belt loops, maker marked on the rear of the middle support hook strap and dated 1938.
Early-War Wehrmacht Bread Bag
Original WWII German Wehrmacht issue bread bag use by the Heer and Waffen-SS. Early war quality with aluminum fittings and leather reinforced belt loops, maker marked on the rear of the middle support hook strap. 
Mid-War Wehrmacht Bread Bag
Original WWII German Wehrmacht issue bread bag use by the Heer and Waffen-SS. Mid-war production example. RBNr marked on the rear of the middle support hook strap. 
Tropical Wehrmacht Bread Bag
Original WWII German Wehrmacht issue bread bag use by the Heer and Waffen-SS. Tropical example with woven webbing in place of leather, marked with RBNr. Produced from around 1941 to the end of the war without any significant design changes.
Late-War M44 Bread Bag
Original WWII German late war M44 bread bag with pocket for the RG34 cleaning kit.
German Medics Bag
Original WWII German complete and untouched combat worn German medics bag. This souvenir was brought home by an American medic at the end of WWII. An amazing piece of history complete with all contents undisturbed exactly how it was worn in combat by the German medic. Some of the medicine has been removed by customs but the original boxes remain.  Approximately 80 badges, tourniquettes, WIA and KIA tags, rags, medicine boxes (empty) and much more. 
M24 Stick Grenade Carrying Case
Original WWII German M24 stick grenade carrying case. Features waffenamt, makers logo, paper labels, and lots of cool looking stencilling. Early 1936 dated example.
Luftwaffe Kadlec AK39 Wrist Compass
Original WWII German Luftwaffe Kadlec AK 39 wrist compass. Black bakelite body and adjustable black leather wrist strap with buckle.
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