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#SA23 K98k Combat Bayonet and Scabbard, cof44, i block
Original WWII German Wehrmacht issue K98k combat bayonet with matching scabbard. Produced by the firm Carl Eickhorn Waffenfabrik of Solingen, in 1944. Very good condition with strong original factory finish. The blade remains unsharpened and never messed with. Maker marked “cof44” with serial numbers “2214i” on the blade and scabbard. Featuring red bakelite grips. Complete with frog that appears original to the set, and the frog is RBN numbered on the rear. The eye of the frog’s strap has a small tear. A great untouched late war bayonet. $400 *On Hold*

#SA22 K98k Combat Bayonet and Scabbard, cof44, e block
Original WWII German Wehrmacht issue K98k combat bayonet with matching scabbard. Produced by the firm Carl Eickhorn Waffenfabrik of Solingen, in 1944. Very good condition with strong original factory finish. The blade remains unsharpened and never messed with. Maker marked “cof44” with serial numbers “6216e” on the blade and scabbard. Featuring nicely toned walnut grips. A great untouched late war bayonet. $400

#SA21 K98k Combat Bayonet and Scabbard, cof44, n block
Original WWII German Wehrmacht issue K98k combat bayonet with matching scabbard. Produced by the firm Carl Eickhorn Waffenfabrik of Solingen, in 1944. Very good condition with strong original factory finish. The exterior shows light wartime carry wear from a leather frog, and two slight depressions in the scabbard. The blade remains unsharpened and never messed with. The grip screws appear to have never been turned. Maker marked “cof44” with serial numbers “0800n” on the blade and scabbard. Featuring red bakelite grips. A great untouched late war bayonet. $400 *On Hold*

#SA20 K98k Combat Bayonet and Scabbard, cof44, q block
Original WWII German Wehrmacht issue K98k combat bayonet with matching scabbard. Produced by the firm Carl Eickhorn Waffenfabrik of Solingen, in 1944. Very good condition with strong original factory finish, the exterior shows signs of light carry wear. The blade remains unsharpened and never messed with. Maker marked “cof44” with serial numbers “6718b” on the blade and scabbard. Featuring light walnut wooden grips. The grip screws appear to have never been turned. Complete with frog that appears original to the set. The frog is RBN numbered. A great untouched late war bayonet. $400

#SA17 Combat Bayonet Frog, Natural Leather
Original WWII German combat bayonet frog in natural tan leather. A standard bayonet frog with cross strap for mounted troops. Natural un-dyed tan leather is seen in a variety of goods late in the war. It is RBNr marked across the belt loop on the rear. It is in sound condition with no damage. We put this on a bayonet and removed it to make sure it was still capable of going on for display. It shows some light wear from having a bayonet in it. This item surfaced in the United States and is presumably an American soldiers wartime souvenir. $185

#MI24 Luftwaffe K98k Bayonet Frog
Original WWII German Luftwaffe issue K98k bayonet leather frog. Maker marked and dated 1938, with Luftwaffe L.B.A.(S) stamp. Lightly used and carried condition. Will fit a bayonet without any issues if you carefully slide it on. $125

#SA4 Heer Officer Sword / Bayonet Portepee
Original WWII German Heer officer sword / bayonet portepee. Worn example, but ideal for completing a matching sword or bayonet. $75
#G2368 Early Production S/155K K98k Matching Bayonet and Scabbard
Original WWII German Wehrmacht K98k combat bayonet and matching scabbard. Very early 1934 production by the firm E.u.F. Hörster (S/155K). The numbers on the blade and scabbard are both "1467" over "i". Excellent condition with original blued finished and nice blade that has never been sharpened. Great super early bayonet. *Reduced* $425

Kriegsmarine Nordsee Fleet K98k Matching Bayonet and Scabbard
Original WWII German Kriegsmarine K98k combat bayonet and matching scabbard marked to the North Sea (Nordsee) Fleet. Early 1939 production by the firm Berg & Co. Solingen-Ohligs. The numbers on the blade and scabbard are both "9596" over letter block "c". The bayonet has additional Nordsee Fleet markings "N 19293k" applied to the bayonet and scabbard in textbook Kriegsmarine fashion, exactly how these markings were also applied to K98k rifles and Radom Vis 35 pistols. Excellent condition with original blued finished and nice blade that has never been sharpened or cleaned. We have shared this bayonet with dedicated K98k experts who have examined it extensively, it is the finest example we are aware of in any collection. *Sold*

1936 S/245 K98k Matching Bayonet and Scabbard with Frog
Original WWII German Wehrmacht K98k combat bayonet and matching scabbard. Early 1936 production by the firm J.Sch. - Jetter und Scheerer, Tuttlingen (S/245). The numbers on the blade and scabbard are both "4048" over letter block "b". Excellent condition with original blued finished and nice blade that has never been sharpened or cleaned with old dust in the crevices. Excellent black leather frog for dismounted troops that is still supple and nice marked and dated 1941. The frog appears wartime original to the bayonet. *Sold*

Matching fnj44 Bayonet and Scabbard
Original WWII German fnj44 bayonet with matching numbers. Excellent condition without flaw. Never sharpened and probably never even issued. Excellent bluing. *Sold*

Personalized K98k Bayonet
Original WWII German K98k personalized bayonet with photo of a German soldier under custom acrylic canopy glass made from downed aircraft. The practice of making clear grips from canopy glass was most commonly done by US soldiers who started out by making sweetheart grips for their pistols. The base bayonet for this set is a mid-war example maker marked "42.cul" (year and maker's code) and the scabbard is non-matching with only the number "17" on it. The bayonet's blade is in excellent condition, never sharpened, and all metal parts retain their original factory bluing. This is an interesting and unique conversation piece that will display well in any bayonet or field gear collection. *Sold*

Heer Officer’s Sabre
Original WWII German Heer (Army) officer’s sabre manufactured by WKC in Wrangel form. The blade is maker marked “WKC” (Weyersberg, Kirschbaum & Cie, of Solingen) with knight’s helmet motif above the initials, etched onto the ricasso of the blade under the rain guard. Overall, this sword is in excellent condition with great blade. Never cleaned, showing a nice patina on brass fittings. The blade is extremely clean without any notable damage, there are no major flaws anywhere on this sabre and it shows just light use. Background: Swords / Sabre are an age old military tradition that evolved from a functional weapon into a ceremonial ornament. This tradition carried on into the Third Reich era as a symbol of strength and power. After Hitler’s rise to power, a variety of new sabre’s were introduced to outfit the Wehrmacht. Top example. *Sold*

Heer Dove Head Sabre - E&F Hörster
Original WWII German Heer (Army) dove head sabre manufactured by E.u.F. Hörster of Solingen. This sword is in excellent overall condition with great blade. Never cleaned, showing a nice patina on brass fittings. The blade is extremely clean without any notable damage, there are no notable flaws anywhere on this sabre and it shows just light use. The blade is maker marked “E.u.F. Hörster” “Solingen” inside of the manufacturers motif, this is located on the ricasso of the blade protected under the rain guard. Background: Swords / Sabre are an age old military tradition that evolved from a functional weapon into a ceremonial ornament. This tradition carried on into the Third Reich era as a symbol of strength and power. After Hitler’s rise to power, a variety of new sabre’s were introduced to outfit the Wehrmacht. Top example. *Sold*

Hitler Youth Knife by WKC RZM M7/42 1937 with "Blut und Ehre!" Motto
Original WWII German Hitler Youth Knife by WKC SOLINGEN RZM M7/42 1937 with "Blut und Ehre!" motto. Untouched example complete with working closure snap and intact rivets. Great example, in much better than average condition as these are typically heavily used. *Sold*

Matching K98k Code 43-44asw "Split Code" Bayonet
Original WWII German K98k bayonet manufactured by E.u.F Hörster in early 1944. This is an uncommon “split” bayonet because the bayonet is “43asw” and scabbard is “44asw”. The split code isn’t from switching years, but a random anomaly likely from a broken die that occurs for approximately 70,000 pieces. The bayonet and scabbard are factory matching numbers, and they have been together forever. Original bluing and unsharpened blade, in excellent just lightly used condition. Scarce. *Sold*

Matching 1937 Clemen & Jung K98k Bayonet
Original WWII German 1937 Clemen & Jung matching numbers K98k bayonet. Great lightly used condition with original bluing and never-sharpened blade. Includes a nice early K98k bayonet frog that appears to have always been with the bayonet, with matching wear and patina and never removed. Excellent set. *Sold*

Matching 1944 "CVL" K98k Bayonet
Original WWII German 1944 "CVL" (Weyersberg Kirschbaum & Co. of Solingen) matching numbers K98k bayonet. Excellent very lightly used condition with original bluing and never-sharpened blade. Excellent set. *Sold*

1939 W.K.C. K98k Matching Bayonet and Scabbard
Original WWII German Wehrmacht K98k combat bayonet and matching scabbard. Early 1939 production by the firm Weyersberg, Kirschbaum & Cie, of Solingen (W.K.C.). The numbers on the blade and scabbard are both "8241". Excellent condition with original blued finished and nice blade that has never been sharpened. Great early bayonet. *Sold*
"cof43" K98k Matching Combat Bayonet and Scabbard
Original WWII German Wehrmacht K98k combat bayonet with matching scabbard and original frog. The numbers on the blade and scabbard are both "2882 n". The reverse of the blade and scabbard feature the makers code "cof43". Excellent lightly combat used condition with original blued finished, and nice blade that has never been sharpened with good bluing. Includes its original bayonet frog that appears to have never been removed. The frog is the version intended for dismounted troops, with a faint makers logo near the top. Nice set. *Sold*

Heer "Höller" Officer’s Sabre
Original WWII German Heer (Army) officer’s sabre manufactured by the firm FW Höller of Solingen, a desirable maker known for their quality. The blade is maker marked with the FW Höller motif, etched onto the ricasso of the blade under the rain guard. The motif is difficult to photograph, but in hand it's clear and nicely marked when you look in at it. This sword is in excellent condition with great blade. Never cleaned, never taken apart, and showing a nice patina on the brass fittings. The blade is extremely clean without any notable damage, there are no major flaws anywhere on this sabre and it shows just light use. The original sabre knot is as found with the sword, also in matching excellent condition. Background: Swords / Sabre are an age old military tradition that evolved from a functional weapon into a ceremonial ornament. This tradition carried on into the Third Reich era as a symbol of strength and power. After Hitler’s rise to power, a variety of new sabre’s were introduced to outfit the Wehrmacht. *Sold*

K98k Bayonet with Frog, 43cqh
Original WWII German Wehrmacht issue K98k combat bayonet and matching scabbard with frog. Maker marked 43cqh (1943 Clemens and Jung) with the numbers on the blade and scabbard both being "5838" over “b”. Original black leather frog with closure strap intended for mounted troops that appears to have been with it a very long time. Excellent condition with original factory blued finished and nice blade that has never been sharpened. *Sold*

#MP76 Bayonet Troddle, Heer Staff NCO
Original WWII German bayonet troddle for a Heer Staff NCO. Excellent lightly used condition. Background; Knotted around the bayonet frog, the Troddel has its origins in the saber knot, which was used to keep the saber attached to the soldiers hand in combat. By the time of the First World War, toddles had become a part of the complex system of insignia that the German Army used for unit identification. The troddel was retained into the Second World War although less commonly used in the field and more for parades. *Sold*

Clemen & Jung Dove Head Personalized Officer’s Sabre
Original WWII German etched and personalized Heer (Army) officer’s sabre manufactured by the firm Clemen & Jung in "Roon" / dove head style. Clemen and Jung are a desirable maker known for their quality, and this sword is either produced near the end of the Weimer period or early Third Reich, with the original Third Reich era sabre knot still attached and never removed. The blade is maker marked with the Clemen & Jung motif, etched onto the ricasso of the blade under the rain guard. The motif is difficult to photograph, but in hand it's clear and nicely marked when you look in at it. The sword is period etched to exceptional quality, and personalized "In Enviger Freue, Diene Frau" (With great pleasure, your wife) and was likely presented to the soldier during a special occasion. We posted this sabre on Wehrmacht Award Forum where it received many nice comments, and other sword collectors agreed it is completely original and period engraved for use during the Third Reich period. This sword is in excellent condition with great blade. Never cleaned, never taken apart, and showing a nice patina on the brass fittings exactly as found when we obtained it in Canada. The blade is extremely clean without any notable damage, there are no major flaws anywhere on this sabre and it shows just light use. The original sabre knot is as found with the sword, also in matching condition. Background: Swords / Sabre are an age old military tradition that evolved from a functional weapon into a ceremonial ornament. This tradition carried on into the Third Reich era as a symbol of strength and power. After Hitler’s rise to power, a variety of new sabre’s were introduced to outfit the Wehrmacht. Excellent personalized and etched example. *Sold*
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