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#RG241 Panzer Feldjacke Totenkopf Collar Badges
Original WWII German Panzer Feldjacke Totenkopf pattern collar badges, intended for all ranks. Constructed on field grey wool base, with artificial silk / rayon piping, and metal Totenkopf devices. For additional reference on these tabs, you may consult pages 126-135 of Panzer Feldjacke volume 2 by Scott Pritchett. Very appealing set. $1250 *On Hold*


#RG250 Panzerjäger Feldjacke Doppellitzen and Shoulder Straps
Original WWII German Panzerjäger Feldjacke pink piped Doppellitzen and shoulder straps for a Feldwebel and officer candidate. This set came together and was almost certainly removed from the same jacket, featuring perfectly matching light wear and patina. This is a very uncommon set of insignia, as this version of the panzer feldjacke was produced only in very limited numbers. For additional reference on these tabs, you may consult pages 136-148 and for the straps pages 156-171 of Panzer Feldjacke volume 2 by Scott Pritchett. Very appealing set. $1900


#RG247 Waffen-SS Sleeve Eagle Cut-Off
Original WWII German Waffen-SS sleeve eagle cut-off. The cut-off retains a much larger than average chunk of wool from the sleeve of a wool tunic. The stitching is the factory zig-zag stitch, which is standard and observed on most original W-SS sleeve eagles and cut-offs. Black thread was used for both the top and reverse bobbin. The cut-off appears to be from a jacket that has seem moderate service wear based on condition. This item surfaced in the United States and is presumably an American veteran’s souvenir. Scarce. $1550 *On Hold*


#SA18 Waffen-SS Sleeve Eagle, Dachau
Original WWII German Waffen-SS Sleeve Eagle. This is a mint unissued example of a Dachau produced SS sleeve eagle. This item surfaced in the United States and is presumably an American soldiers wartime souvenir. The American military liberated the Dachau clothing stores and captured a lot of insignia in the facility. Textbook example in perfect condition. $450 *On Hold*


#WS2 Luftwaffe Tropical Breast Eagle
Original WWII German Luftwaffe tropical breast eagle. This type of eagle was worn on tropical shirts, one of the most commonly worn items of the branch during the Afrika campaign. Worn and uniform removed condition, with remnants of the factory attachment threads. This great badge was discovered and consigned from South Africa, and is presumably a war trophy from a Union of South Africa soldier serving with the British Empire forces in the North African campaign. $225


#G2666 Sturmabteilung (SA) Reserve Armband
Original WWII Sturmabteilung (SA) reservists armband, also known as the “brownshirts”. Multi-piece construction on cotton base, with embroidered centre. Worn and used condition. Obtained in Canada presumably brought home as a souvenir from a Canadian soldier. $450


#G2668 NSDAP Armband, Wool
Original WWII German National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP) wool multi-piece armband. Worn and used condition, with a few very small scattered moth nips. Obtained in Canada presumably brought home as a souvenir from a Canadian soldier. $150


#WS9 1936 Pattern Reichsbahn, Reichspost & Customs Visor Cap Eagle
Original WWII Reichsbahn, Reichspost & Customs visor cap eagle. Original gilt finish is still largely intact and the original pins are still present. $40


#WS6 Heer Tropical / DAK Pith Helmet Shields
Original WWII Heer tropical / DAK pith helmet shields. These souvenirs are in worn condition and never cleaned, with the prongs still fully intact. These were discovered and consigned from South Africa, and is presumably a war trophy from a Union of South Africa soldier serving with the British Empire forces in the North African campaign. $100


#WS7 DLRG Stick Pin
Original WWII German DLRG stickpin in silver. The D.L.R.G. (German Lifesaving Society) was a paramilitary organization, with awards that could be worn on military uniforms. The stickpin was discovered and consigned from South Africa, and is presumably a war trophy from a Union of South Africa soldier serving with the British Empire forces in the North African campaign. $30


#WS10 Reichskriegertag Kassel 1937 Badge
Original WWII German Reichskriegertag Kassel 1937 Badge. Made of alloy, zinc based metal. 3.5 cm in diameter with attachment device intact to the reverse. The badge has some of the original silver paint wash still intact. Maker mark in high relief to the reverse. The badge is in overall good condition. The badge was discovered and consigned from South Africa, and is presumably a war trophy from a Union of South Africa soldier serving with the British Empire forces in the North African campaign. $30


#G2664 Heer Obergefreiter Rank Chevron
Original WWII German Heer "Obergefreiter" M36 bottle green rank chevron. Worn condition with remnants of the attachment threads still present. Likely removed in the field, this example surfaced in Canada and is a presumably Canadians soldiers souvenir. $30


#RG230 Luftwaffe Hermann Göring Division Collar Tabs
Original WWII Luftwaffe Hermann Göring Division collar tabs for a Flieger. White wool construction collar tabs with single alloy rank gulls and red rayon waffenfarbe piping. The collar tabs are mounted on tan buckram bases. Great set that appears to have been lightly worn. $300


#G2577 Kriegsmarine Officer’s Chest Eagle
Original WWII German Kriegsmarine Officer’s hand embroidered chest eagle. Excellent very lightly worn condition, with dark blue threads used for the wing details. *Reduced* $125


#G2399 Luftwaffe Cap Eagle and Cockade
Original WWII German Luftwaffe cap eagle and cockade. The two badges are still sewn attached together, exactly how they were removed from the uniform. Likely from a Luftwaffe M43 cap, worn condition. $75


#G2619 Luftwaffe EM / NCO Chest Eagle
Original WWII German Luftwaffe EM / NCO chest eagle. Standard woven example on wool base. Worn and uniform removed condition. $50


#GJ18 Heer Assault Boat Drivers Badge
Original WWII German Heer assault boat drivers badge. Excellent condition, likely unissued. $110


#GJ20 Panzer Officer Collar Tabs
Original WWII German panzer officer collar tabs. Features pink panzer branch piping and typical officer grade construction. Excellent condition, possibly unused. $160


#GJ16 Deutsche Reichsbahn Official’s Collar Tabs
Original WWII German Deutsche Reichsbahn official’s collar tabs. Background; The Deutsche Reichsbahn, also known as the German National Railway, the German State Railway, German Reich Railway, and the German Imperial Railway, was the German national railway system created after the end of World War I from the regional railways of the individual states of the German Empire. Excellent condition, likely unissued. $125


#G2572 Heer Panzer EM/NCO M36 Chest Eagle
Original WWII German Heer Panzer EM/NCO's M36 national eagle chest badge. Early war example constructed of white threads on a fine woven black rayon base. Unused condition, showing evidence on the reverse it was in a veteran's photo album. The woven rayon base is unfolded and it could be easily re-applied to a uniform. Ideal example for restoring a Heer tunic or for a badge collection. $100


#G2532 Late War Heer EM/NCO Chest Eagle
Original WWII German Heer EM/NCO chest eagle. Late war embroidered example, likely 1944-1945 production. Excellent condition unissued example. $50


#G2461 Panzer Overseas/M43 Cap Insignia Set
Original WWII German panzer cap insignia set consisting of EM/NCO overseas/M43 cap eagle and cockade. Matching excellent condition set that has never been applied to a uniform. Both components are machine woven on black rayon base in textbook fashion. Ideal for any panzer insignia collection of if you need to restore a panzer cap. $275


#G2535 Heer Cap Cockade
Original WWII German Heer cap cockade. Bevo style embroidered construction. Ideal for a badge collection or restoring an original cap. $20


#GJ5 Heer Oberschutze Rank Badges
Original WWII German Heer Oberschutze rank badges. Assortment of different materials, all in excellent condition. $90


#EC17 Kriegsmarine Female Naval Auxiliaries' Service Brooch
Original WWII German Kriegsmarine female naval auxiliaries' service brooch (Dienstbrosche für Marinehelferinnen) as introduced in July, 1943. This example is of the zinc alloy "Type 3" as known in the collecting community. The die-struck embossed brooch measures approximately 1.18 inches (30mm) in diameter and is complete with it's rear horizontal brazed-on pin & catch assembly. There are no visible markings on the brooch's rear. In excellent condition with virtually no wear to the front of the brooch's gilt and navy blue-washed finish. $225


#RG54 Reichsbund der Deutschen Beamten (RDB) Pin
Original WWII German Reichsbund der Deutschen Beamten (RDB) pin.  These were for wear by the Reich Federation of German Civil Servants or also known as National Socialist Civil Servants Federation, which was the trade union for German State Officials during the Third Reich.  This example is marked on the reverse with GES. GESCH. and intertwined RN maker logo.  Nice example with strong finish and no damage. $75
#GJ10 Oberleutnant's Camouflage Sleeve Rank Insignia
Original WWII German Oberleutnant's camouflage sleeve rank insignia. Lightly worn and uniform removed condition. $90


#GJ13 Pair of Oberleutnant's Camouflage Sleeve Rank Insignia
Original WWII German pair of Oberleutnant's camouflage sleeve rank insignia. Unused condition. $170


#EC191 Heer Wolga-Tatarische Legion Sleeve Badge
Original WWII German Heer "Idel-Ural" Wolga-Tatarische Legion (Volga-Tatar Legion) 2nd pattern silkscreen-printed cotton sleeve nationality badge officially in use from 1943 to 1944. In excellent unissued condition. The period photo is of a Legion member wearing a 1st pattern badge. $75


#EC190 Heer Aserbeidschanische Legion Sleeve Badge
Original WWII German Heer "Aserbaidschan" Aserbeidschanische Legion (Azerbaijani Legion) 1st pattern silkscreen-printed cotton sleeve nationality badge officially in use from 1942 to 1943. In excellent unissued condition. $75


#EC46 Heer Ukrainian Liberation Army Insignia Grouping
Grouping of 3 WWII German Heer Ukrainische Befreiungsarmee (Ukrainian Liberation Army) pieces of insignia that were officially in use from 1943 to 1944: Silk-screen printed cotton sleeve nationality badge, Machine-woven breast badge still on it's rayon factory roll, and single dark green wool shoulder board with red piping for the rank of Soldat. All are in excellent unissued condition. $350


#EC59 "Turkistan" Heer Turkestan Legion 3rd Pattern Badge
Original WWII German "Turkistan" Heer Turkistanische Legion (Turkestan Legion) 3rd pattern sleeve nationality badge used from 1944-1945. $100


#EC143 "ROA" Heer Russian Liberation Army Badge
Original WWII German "ROA" Heer Russiche Befreiungsarmee (Russian Liberation Army) sleeve nationality badge used from 1943-1945. "ROA" is Russian for Russkaja Osvoditelnaja Armija. $75


#EC119 Ordnungspolizei 1st Pattern Officer’s Peaked Cap Eagle
Original WWII German Ordnungspolizei 1st pattern officer’s peaked cap eagle. Good service worn condition removed from a cap. $70


#EC66 TeNo Officer's Sleeve Eagle 
Original WWII German TeNo (Technische Nothilfe) officer's sleeve eagle. Nice example in lightly worn and uniform removed condition. $235


#EC13 Kriegsmarine Officer’s Breast Eagle and Cap Eagles
Original WWII Kriegsmarine officer’s removable breast eagle that was worn on a variety of garments including the summer tunic, and two cap eagles. The breast eagle is constructed of stamped alloy with golden gilt wash, and wingspan of 9.5cm from tip to tip. Nice detail with soldered hinge and catch on reverse to attach to the officer’s uniform. Unmarked example in good condition. Also included is two Kriegsmarine cap eagles, making three eagles total in this lot. $275



#RG23 Luftwaffe Field Division Smock Cut-Off
Original WWII German Luftwaffe (Air Force) national emblem cut off a Field Division smock with large chunk of smock still intact.  The national emblem is factory zig-zag stitched onto the splinter pattern camouflage smock material.  Shows field use and was crudely cut off the smock likely in the field by an allied soldier. *Sold*
#RG130 Luftwaffe Chest Eagle Cutoff
Original WWII German Luftwaffe chest eagle cutoff. Allied veterans didn't also have the ability to liberate an entire uniform or cap, so they would cut patches off to keep as souvenirs from the battlefield. This is a nice example showing a factory machine applied zig-zag stitch eagle on standard Luftwaffe field grey uniform wool with remnant of the jackets rayon lining on the reverse. Cool patch. *Sold*


#RG162 Waffen-SS "Totenkopf" Collar Tab Set
Original WWII German Waffen-SS collar tab set intended for wear on field uniforms of the 3. SS-Panzer-Division "Totenkopf". The Totenkopf tab is the "Pumpkinhead" variant taken from the liberated Dachau storehouse by American soldiers of the 42nd and 45th Infantry Divisions in April of 1945. It is constructed of fine black badge cloth with machine embroidered skull, reinforced by a tan buckram material visible on the reverse. SS uniforms were not badged at the factory, the collar tabs like these ones would be supplied and attached by a unit tailor to complete the soldier's uniform. The matching blank tab is the same and correct to complete the set for an enlisted member. This is a true unissued souvenir set from the famous liberation of Dachau and is one of the most iconic pieces of SS regalia. *Sold*


#G2483 Heer EM/NCO’s Tropical Breast Eagle, Uniform Removed
Original WWII German Heer EM/NCO's tropical national eagle badge removed from a tunic. Constructed of light grey rayon threads on a fine woven tan rayon base. Appealing worn and uniform removed condition. The woven rayon base can be folded and easily re-applied to a uniform. Ideal example for restoring a worn tropical Heer tunic or display with a cut-off collection. Very scarce to find like this. *Sold*


#G2649 AFRIKAKORPS Cuff Title
Original WWII German “AFRIKAKORPS” cuff title / sleeveband. Featuring flat silver threads that are machine woven on a tan and green band. This example appears to be lightly worn and uniform removed, in very nice condition. *Sold*


#RR1 Machine Woven Waffen-SS Cap Skull
Original WWII German Waffen-SS machine woven cap skull. Pristine condition, from a captured roll of insignia and never mounted. Textbook rayon base and construction with each thread exactly how it should be, enlarge the images to see the fine details. *Sold*


#RG129 Heer Cap Cutoff
Original WWII Heer overseas cap cutoff. Allied veterans didn't also have the ability to liberate an entire uniform or cap, so they would cut patches off to keep as souvenirs from the battlefield. This is a nice example showing a factory hand applied eagle insignia over typical field grey wool from an overseas cap. Cool patch. *Sold*


#RG189 Waffen-SS Runic Collar Tab
Original WWII German Waffen-SS runic collar tab. This is the "Bevo" variety that was discovered by U.S. soldiers at the Dachau clothing depot. Lightly worn and uniform removed condition, never cleaned showing genuine patina and minor soiling. *Sold*


#FF8 Fallschirm-Division Cuff Title
Original WWII German “Fallschirm-Division” Fallschirmjäger cuff title. Embroidered on dark green badge grade material that would have been sewn onto a uniform. Very nice condition without any mothing showing just some patina from age, likely unissued. *Sold*


#G2211 Officer's Flat Wire Trapezoid M43 Cap Insignia
Original WWII German Heer (Army) officer's flat wire trapezoid M43 cap insignia.  Nice lightly used uniform removed condition. Rare piece of officer's field cap insignia. *Sold*
#G2224 Jäger's Sleeve Badge
Original WWII German Jäger Division sleeve badge for mountain troops. Machine woven, worn, and uniform removed example  with a small section of original thread still hanging on. *Sold*
#G2207 Georgian Volunteers Sleeve Shield
Original WWII German machine woven Georgian shield. These badges were worn by non-ethnic Russian volunteers of the Georgian region of South West Russia serving in the German Wehrmacht. Nice uniform removed example with loose threads still in place. *Sold*
#G2462 Panzer Wrap Officer's Chest Eagle
Original WWII German panzer officer's chest eagle for the black panzer wrap. Textbook example constructed of silver flatwire machine embroidered on a black rayon base. This badge would be essential for restoring an original panzer officer's wrap. Originals rarely ever come for sale, scarce. *Sold*


#WS3 Heer EM/NCO’s Tropical Breast Eagle, Uniform Removed
Original WWII German Heer EM/NCO's tropical national eagle badge removed from a tunic. Constructed of light grey rayon threads on a fine woven tan rayon base. Appealing worn and uniform removed condition, with interesting remnants of attachment threads. This great badge was discovered and consigned from South Africa, and is presumably a war trophy from a Union of South Africa soldier serving with the British Empire forces in the North African campaign. *Sold*


#G2573 Heer Panzer EM/NCO M36 Chest Eagle
Original WWII German Heer Panzer EM/NCO's M36 national eagle chest badge removed from a tunic. Early war example constructed of white rayon threads on a fine woven black rayon base. Appealing worn and carefully uniform removed condition. The woven rayon base is folded and easily re-applied to a uniform. Ideal example for restoring a Heer Panzer tunic or for a worn badge collection. Not common to find in this condition. *Sold*


#G2669 Hitlerjugend Armband
Original WWII German Hitlerjugend (HJ - Hitler Youth) multi-piece rayon armband. Good worn and used condition, having been applied to a uniform for wear at one point. Obtained in Canada presumably brought home as a souvenir from a Canadian soldier. *Sold*


#G2387 NSDAP Armband
Original WWII German National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP)
embroidered armband. Excellent lightly worn and used condition. Obtained in Canada presumably brought home as a souvenir from a Canadian soldier. *Sold*


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